Finding Your Passion
Do you want to find that genuine love to give your life meaning? Start by listening to your inner child, most likely you had a dream growing up. When you were young with no responsibilities more freedom to think and get creative was allowed. Take a few hours off throughout your days and go back to those times and remember some of those ideas. Start by writing down some of the ideas you think off, if you pay attention they can sometimes show a recurring theme. Writing down ideas help you zero in what your mind is constantly on, is it music, health, traveling, search and you will most likely see it. How about stepping out and volunteering with others, being around new faces and activities can sometimes inspire new ideas for your career choices. You can even develop a new passion in life that you may have never thought about; it can be hard along the way but never stop trying and looking. Once you have an idea that peaks your interest go forward and take some action with it, take a course, maybe find a mentor, even freestyle and create your path. Volunteering is a new route for you so have fun, do not feel discourage or give up.
What Was Your Original Dream?
If you ask most individuals at work if this is the career they have always dreamed off when they reach middle age, a good portion may answer no. For one reason or another they either change career path, they left an old dream, or what they want to do is more of a hobby than a career type of skill to them. Have you ever thought about how much of your time you spend at work. It is an important part of your life in case you have not noticed it, everything you do in life is center around when you have to go to work and what time you are getting off. You then have to schedule your vacation, even days off for personal time. So why not do something you love, that way you never have to worry about the workplace or daily job. Some unconventional jobs do not require you to go into a work environment at all but stay at home. You can have a home office, have clients come over, even travel for your career. Freedom comes with your new path as well by choosing to have a hobby as a career. Work when you want and where you want, everything can be on-line, and you never have to be stuck in one place.

What are You into?
Think about what you love to do, Finding your passion can being simple, like your favorite hobby. If you are involved in projects or activities in something you love the chances are that it is your passion.
•Turn that hobby you love into your full-time career, it already fills your life with excitement, joy, and self-worth, that is what you should be doing every day, why just have a 'JOB'?
•Try new things in your life like archery, singing, even a sport to see if it sparks your interest.
Re-event What it mean to Have a Job
In today's world traditional jobs are not a must for everyone, you can choose to have a career base on a hobby and passion. Some significant paths are Cosplay, YouTube, or even as a gamer you can earn a living income. Because this is something, you love new ideas will always come up to keep you from being bored and reaching new heights in how to work. You get the advantage of being a new face, bringing a new spin to the table and opening a whole new world of wonders.
Find a need in the market for your skills
Every hobby has a career potential behind it, learn to draw people into what you do and design a product or service they will pay. Have you ever heard of Cosplay, people all over the world make a living from their design, modeling, competing, and any other concepts you can think of. Create as you would like, from designing jewelry, costumes, drawing, or even working with great Hollywood designers and producers. Open up a new world to not only start a career but have fun every day just creating something unique. Go about it to identify your skills may be using reverse engineering. Look at these three key things, start looking at what you would be responsible for the majority of the time. Identifying your skills will be what your career is center around on the everyday basis, what you need to do actively. You then want to see what tasks will be required of you to perform every day along with staff if one is needed. Now think of those skills and make sure you either have them or can acquire to venture forward in your career path.

Look Away from a Traditional 'JOB' Sometimes
Non-traditional jobs (or hobbies as a career) have been gaining an uprising in the past few years. People have the option to brand themselves by using social media to connect and get their name along with their face out to the public. So why look at your hobby as a career? One great benefit has the option to follow your dreams to receive great satisfaction in what you do. Center attention on you to get followers and promotions for your products or service over the web. You have the benefit of being unique with what you do because you are a fresh new face. If you pay attention, reality television now are all people can talk about, you can have your show on YouTube. Create unique stories about a hobby, passion, teach others how to do something you are good at doing. Plan what you want to do and start using all the tools you have to make a name for yourself. One of the best ways to get you started fast is locating a mentor in your field. In most non-traditional careers, people just think of what they would like to do and start creating. A great place to start is looking for others who do what you want to start doing is on YouTube. They usually have great advice and some even list sources to check out. You will then want to do some hardcore resources and get your facts straight. Remember that this is your career now, you are trying something new and are indeed putting a lot on the line. It is important to be active and passionate about what you want to do. While others may not be able to see the vision you have you on the other hand known what you are going after. With a lot of pressure, unforeseen events, and even potential negative feedback. Take it all in stride and just keep going. The beauty of this path is that you get a new experience along with discovering fun new hobbies. A non-traditional career path is what it sounds like so give it time and commit to making it work.
Connect with the Online World
In today's world, you have a great advantage in connecting with people all over the world thanks to the internet. When you start your path to a non-traditional career do not let this great tool go to waste, invest in a domain and hosting to get a plugin. Almost everyone have a Facebook now so if you don't go and create one so you can have a fan page as well. Now plug into Google and create a community to recruit others who love what you do. Create a Google+ group and watch others join to discuss the topic your love and get involve.
Social media is more than just talking to friends and looking at others interactions. You can use it as a great marketing and promotional tool to communicate with potential fans and make a name for yourself.
Non-Traditional Careers in todays society -YouTuber -Freelance Writer -Blogger
Just Enjoy who you Are
Who doesn't want to succeed in life and live the way they have always dreamed of doing. Starting out with a considerable success in your professional or personal life gives you the freedom to open up to new adventures. A new life path will allow you to have a better sense of direction in your life and live happy in general. Enjoy your hobbies and turn them into the career you have always loved. Your new hobby may seem a little tricky at first but usually, if you dive in and create what you like the ideas will come naturally. A hobby gives you great joy and helps you discover a side of you that may have stayed hiding. Why not center your life around what you love every day and grow to love life by embracing your passion.