In Life, you will meet all kinds of people that you will have to deal with. A very infamous type is toxic people that stroll in your life whether you invited them in or not. Toxic people see life in one negative event after another. They see mistakes, all failures, and just about everything that is wrong with a situation and never what is right. There is no way to avoid this in your lifetime, so do the next best thing and learn to actually deal with these type of people. Rule of thumb is 'NEVER GIVE IN' to them no matter how they act or what they say or do.
You first need to understand that they are one of the most difficult people to deal with. Why? Because they do not want to hear anything you have to say as they have already made up their mind about the situation. Do not expect any better from them because they are what they are 'toxic.' Adjust your expectation of them and just wait and see what they are about. Their actions can sometimes surprise you even after you prepare yourself for the outcome of it.
You above all else want to make sure you create an emotional distance between you and them. Just remember how these people have a negative view of life, they love to push that view on people as well. Just take a deep breath and let them go ahead and talk. They may say things that could push you to anger, but never give in. If you start to argue and get into it with them about the topic, then you will end up frustrated and angry in the end. Remember this is their problem, not yours because you have no arguments about the situation. They are most likely shouting and pointing blame and explaining why they are 'RIGHT' and you are 'WRONG'. Be very careful not to respond to their negativity and just let them go on. Do not interrupt them as you could escalate the matter and give them the excuse they need to blow a fuse completely. Keeping calm will allow them to hear their thoughts and realize that they need to dial it back and cool down (or not). When they have stopped, you have the option to deal with them in a few ways. You can try to talk to them and reason, this may backfire on you and get them started again. The best method usually is to remove yourself completely from them. If you in a situation where you can't leave just let them vent and say nothing because they have to stop at some point when they are getting no response. All you need to remember is that it takes two people to have a conversation, so keep quiet. Keep your calm and just politely end the conversation and move on because you are better than this argument.
One of the most important moves you can make in life is to remove toxic people out of it. They are lethal, like a gas leak that is slowly killing you without you even realizing that it's on. You need to identify and remove these type of people out of your life if you want to improve your lifestyle. The longer you stay around them, the more you start behaving and thinking as they do. So, never give these people the opportunity to come into your life or stay in it. Get to know your family and friends better, because it is your choice on who you let into your life. Once you start surrounding yourself with positive people your life will have a whole new view.